Create a whole-school emotionally-literate culture integrating holistic wellbeing and mental healthcare as the key to long-term effective teaching & learning.
- A Mind-Body-Feelings Balance - Everyday Energised Calm
- Significantly Improved Pupil Concentration
- Greatly Improved Motivation, Behaviour & Attainment
- Significantly Reduced Stress, Sanctions & Exclusions

What is CoolFire?
CoolFire is a unique, holistic approach to developing Emotional Literacy, wider mental health support and wellbeing – proving to positively change how you Feel, Think and Act.
CoolFire empowers you to connect and work with a different self-perspective because we are so much more than Mind - we are BodyMind: an intelligent, multidirectional network inseparably linking Body and Mind.
This network transforms everything we think and feel into a positive or negative biological response – creating our emotions, beliefs and expectations that lie at the root of how we experience and respond to the world from an early age.
CoolFire integrates a range of established therapies within a mix of innovative programmes and workshops that activates the BodyMind’s Feedback Loop on a daily basis, enabling pupils, teachers and school staff to develop a continuing state of Energised Calm. This will underpin all aspects of academic attainment through positive emotions, strong self-esteem, resilience and an inner balance of Mind, Body & Feelings.

How Does CoolFire Work?
Our flexible modular approach gives you the techniques and framework to not only create a whole-school approach, but also provide tailored options such as advanced teacher and staff wellbeing; intensive work with small identified groups within CoolFire Explorer; transforming PSHE; lesson formats; transition; Summer schools - and more.
The one-week CoolFire:Connect core programme lays the foundations of a whole-school emotionally-literate culture, enabling every pupil (including Early Years) - and each staff member - to experience and work with the Mind-Body-Feelings connection through several innovative workshops. These are supported by a wide variety of continuing group and class work, daily exercises and routines - and more. We also actively involve parents - both at school and home.
To ensure sustained, long-term development, we also offer training for your own CoolFire Teacher Trainers. A team of between 1-10 members (depending on school size) will be able to deliver a range of internal training from the regular, short classroom daily routines to effective strategies for specific pupil needs. Training and delivery are based on the extensive CoolFire Teacher PowerPack which is further supported by Skype, phone and email.
Who Is CoolFire For?
CoolFire is completely inclusive. From Special Needs to Gifted and Talented in schools of all kinds - including infant, primary, secondary, Specials Schools and Pupil Referral Units (PRU’s) – CoolFire enables every pupil to develop a long-term emotional, mental and physical equilibrium that will not only underpin academic attainment, but also a grounded, more objective perspective. This in turn creates an ability to make calm, conscious choices. Skills - for life.
CoolFire has proved particularly effective in working closely with pupils experiencing a number of Special Needs or disadvantage, including: Looked After Children: Autism: ADHD: Behavioural and Emotional Issues
As an adult working in schools, whatever your role, CoolFire will also empower you to create your own holistic balance of Energised Calm that will continue to help you realise your true personal and professional potential.
And in addition to schools, the CoolFire Approach can prove highly effective in working with children and young people in a wide range of scenarios, including health, social services, parents and carers.

Why Should You Use The CoolFire Program In Your School?
Put simply, practiced on an everyday basis - CoolFire works.
Academic attainment and skills for life through a holistic balance of mind, body and feelings: CoolFire will enable your school to develop the whole person through innovative well being and mental healthcare – as illustrated by just a few comments from written feedback:
“CoolFire has made a profound difference to our Year 6 group who had a complex mix of emotional and learning needs. They are now so much more calm and focused in class, relate better to their teachers, peers and families – and can now begin to consciously work through issues without the former anger and frustration. We now look forward to you working with our Years 3 and 4.”
“Listening better; more motivated; participating more...”
“I had never seen my class like this – unbelievable. They were calm, relaxed. Excellent.”
“A brilliant way of managing behaviour...”
“It was life changing...”
Over 7,500 pupils and 3,500 teachers and school staff have experienced the CoolFire Effect in schools and organisations throughout the UK and Europe over the last five years – including major projects, residencies and workshops with Thurrock and Southend Councils; North Yorkshire County Council; the NASUWT and ATL teaching unions; the European Union (in Austria); the University of Belgrade teacher training faculty; the Association of Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE).
The CoolFire Education Emotional Literacy Training
To send a enquiry about the CoolFire Emotional Literacy Training options available to schools please complete the form below and we will get back to you within 48 hours with the different options available to you.
You can also call Dave on 07804 785 305
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the principles of CoolFire?
CoolFire sustains continuing academic attainment through developing holistic wellbeing – in both young people (ages 3-25) & all school staff/adults – by:
Shifting the focus from “Task” to “Person”. Each person’s action is motivated by a thought – which in turn is rooted in an emotion…
Hence, by consciously changing the feeling, you consciously change the thought, and therefore, consciously change the action
To change the feeling, CoolFire introduces & sustains an integrated therapeutic process of creating a balance between the frequently conflicting forces of Mind, Body & Feelings that creates an everyday state of Energised Calm – underpinning all aspects of education and life skills
What are the benefits of CoolFire?
CoolFire enables you to create a whole-school emotionally-literate culture, sustained by your own teacher-training team and continuing support – not only empowering you to work inclusively with challenging & disadvantaged pupils & parents, but with every child & staff member. The “CoolFire Effect” builds to provide:
Calm, productive teaching & learning
Pupil focus & concentration, Pupil engagement & motivation, Pupil behaviou, Teacher-pupil relationships, Peer-to-peer & family relationships, A great reduction in pupil & teacher stress/anxiety levels and A greatly reduced requirement for sanctions & exclusions.
What’s the scientific evidence for the CoolFire approach?
CoolFire integrates ground-breaking research that brings together the previously distinct fields of Neuroscience, Endocrinology & Immunology with established therapeutic disciplines to create innovative holistic practice based on definitive proof of the inseparable Mind-Body connection. Click here to download the detailed CoolFire model.
How is the impact of CoolFire measured & evaluated?
CoolFire uses the Goodmans Scale – enabling you to quantify and record abstract skills such as empathy, building relationships, attitude etc in the form of numerical scores. These are based on concise, periodical questionnaires that teaching staff complete on each individual pupil – & can be integrated with existing statutory profiles.
What would be the timescale for fully implementing CoolFire:Connect on a long-term basis supported by our CoolFire Teacher Trainers?
This could be as little as a term – but entirely up to you as a school. Your CoolFire Teacher Trainers will receive 10 days of intensive training that can be delivered on a flexible basis according to their availability. They will already be able to offer training & support on aspects of CoolFire from an early stage to enable you as a school or organisation to begin to fully embed the approach as soon as is practical.
Can CoolFire be a key resource in “closing the pupil gap”?
CoolFire enables each pupil to consciously direct & channel their energy. Instead of continuously reacting to overwhelming feelings that a pupil has no connection with, they can begin to develop a more objective, grounded perspective – enabling a growing ability to make calm, conscious choices. This is just one part of an overall framework that begins to relieve the symptoms of both parents & young people under stress – enabling you as a school to alleviate many factors in narrowing the pupil gap – such as erratic attendance; exclusion; behavioural – & a range of specialist services support.
Is CoolFire an instant “quick-fix”?
CoolFire will have an immediate, positive impact on both young people & staff – but this will only be developed & sustained through systematic use within the CoolFire framework – designed to create a cumulative awareness & benefit in each individual. Building on the experience of the initial workshops, just a combination of exercises lasting 10-15 minutes within the registration periods (for example) could be part of a daily routine that would also include brief morning & bedtime home routines.
Can I access continuing support?
Yes – all CoolFire workshops and programmes feature inclusive & easily-accessible continuing support by Skype, email & phone. CoolFire:Connect & CoolFire Teacher Trainers programmes include one year’s comprehensive support. You can also expand your CoolFire provision through new programmes, workshops & resources at a discounted rate as an existing school or organisational partner.
What’s the most effective CoolFire programme or combination of resources for my school?
The CoolFire Approach is very flexible – & we are very happy to discuss your individual requirements in order to highlight one or more modules that will work with the specific needs of your pupils and staff. This can also lead to the creation of entirely new workshops & resources.
If you are seeking to create a whole-school holistic emotionally literate culture, then the one-week core CoolFire:Connect programme will not only lay down a highly practical, comprehensive approach, but also provide an integrated set of initial techniques that will begin to create and establish the approach.
CoolFire:Connect will have an immediate beneficial impact – but to transform the CoolFire Approach into an effective long-term & sustainable resource, we would recommend the creation of your own CoolFire Teacher Trainers – a trained team of between 1-10 drawn from your staff (depending on school size) who can deliver a wide range of training & support based on the unique CoolFire Teacher PowerPack.
Dave Read is passionate about fully exploring & harnessing the wide-ranging therapeutical aspects of Emotional Intelligence and Literacy as a force to achieve holistic wellbeing & balance – and to transform classroom relationships – unlocking the deepest potential of all students, teachers & school staff.
Find Out More About Dave Read.

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